Germany July '03

Falling stereotypes

I found myself living in a foreign house, in a foreign a foreing life. I was feeling exactly the way I dreamt when I started travelling around Europe...when everything around me was so unknown and to be discovered

..this is what I've been tasting and seeing in southern Germany....(B. wrote...)

"On Saturday we just went to my school (Fanny-Leicht-Gymnasium) and had a walk on the fields. For dinner you had "Geschnetzeltes mit Spätzle". Sunday it was raining and we went to the SI-Centrum (Rhabarberkuchen und Lachsquiche) and after to the Cannsttter Wasen for the thing called "Was'n Stage". After we had dinner in a restaurant called Waldhorn, you "Zwiebelrostbraten", me "Kässpätzle". Monday we went downtown (you had a "Curry-Wurst") and had "Maultaschen mit Kartoffelsalat". Tuesday we went to the lake constance (Bodensee), stopped at the Kloster (monastero) Birnau, then went to Meersburg where we took the ship to Insel Mainau. For dinner: Felchen mit Petersilienkartoffeln, Champignons und Tomaten (?) Wednesday we first went to Schloß Herrenchiemsee, after to Munich, where you in the Biergarten took a "Rote". Thursday we went to Tübingen, where we had a strange dinner- gebackener Camembert, Kartoffeltaschen mit Frischkäse und Walddorfsalat. Friday we went shopping and to Perkins Park. After the butcher you had a Fleischkäsbrötchen and you did the dinner. Saturday we went to the "Zwiebelfest" in Esslingen where you had a "Esslinger Zwiebelfleisch" a after we passed some pubs. Sunday you ate a "Ripple" before we left and "Schwarzwälder Rauchfleisch" on the bread! "