Dal loro inizio fino alla loro fine, gli anni ’90 sembrano essere il decennio della mia vita con il maggior numero di cambiamenti, risultati, avvenimenti, svolte. Guardandoli da lontano…
iniziano con me uno Studente delle superiori in una delle peggiori periferie di Napoli, completamente innamorato nei miei sogni di Europa ed America ed alla scoperta di nuove culture con i campi vacanza… e finiscono con me come Ingegnere Laureato che ha lasciato la sua citta’ natale per trasferirsi a e lavorare in Barilla, all’inizio della mia carriera professionale acquisendo la mia autonomia economica.
E in mezzo a questi due scenari, penso, l’evoluzione o involuzione di me come uomo: il passaggio dall’essere ragazzo all’essere uomo.
Il Diploma di Scuola Superiore e l’addio ad un Mondo di Corso Malta. L’aver trovato Elton John e poi Lou Reed, la luce dopo un periodo come di vuoto o abbandono musicale dovuto all’affievolitasi passione per Lucio Dalla. I Campi Internazionali che, come la Londra degli anni 80, diedero ulteriore e determinante impulso allla mia voglia di internazionalizzazione e illuminarono la mia visione del Mondo. Le mie prime importanti relazioni con le ragazze, fino a Valentina con la quale durera’ per 6 o 7 anni. L’Associazione Culturale Libera Azione ed i nuovi amici.
Il mio Gruppo Musicale, i Mr Bloom e tutto il loro entourage e gli ambienti che divennero anche i miei per diversi anni.
E l’Universita’. Ingegneria e gli anni cosi’ intensi tra gli esami, le classi e la mia vita a mille. Fino alla Laurea, un bellissimo culmine che non devo dimenticare.
E poi gli anni in Barilla, tra Foggia, Parma, Notthingam, Amsterdam, i congressi , i fornitori e come dicevo l’inizio di una vita professionale che non si dimentica mai.
To be continued…

I buy an Elton John vinile record ‘Sleeping with the Past’ at Giancar, an electronics shop in Piazza Garibaldi, Naples because i liked the theme of a Martini TV commercial. That was the beginning of one of the biggest love of my life….
I attend the Arcobaleno’s Holiday Youth Camp in Barra, where I make a lot of friends from all around Europe (the greeks Antonis, Dimitris, Nico), the Norwegians (Martha, Anne, Inger etc.), the Swedish (Christofer S., Friederic, etc.), the Maltese guys. The camp was organized by the organization Arcobaleno, held by my Uncle Lello.
I go to Malta with my parents and other youngs (Dario, Paolo, others…) where i meet Paula and Henry
In Malta I found a lost musicassette of Rod Stewart, which will soon become one of my fovourite singers.
SSC Napoli wins its second scudetto. I remember I was playing in the street (precisely in the scuola media open air playground, when someone from the balcony was shouting about Napoli winning in Bologna and Milan losing in Verona….which would have meant scudetto for us one week later…
Music. I start self-learning to play guitar and piano.
I founded The Tit Bits with Silvano and Daniele

I attend the Holiday Youth Camp in San Giorgio a Cremano
I meet Mauro E. and Mimmo P., who were involved in the camp organization, and they become my friends
I used to walk around with a bandana on my head…
I’m second classified with my class team at the school soccer tournament
I have a short relashionship with Anna.
Norway, Sweden & Denmark with a camper with my family and Maria, Marco and Paolo. In Sweden we meet the N. Family; Frida, Emma and their parents. In Oslo we are hosted at lunch by Torill L..

My classroom conquers the first place at the soccer school championship: i score 2 of the 3 goals of my team in the final match!(one of them was kicked from midfield)
In Paris with school mates
I smoke my first cigarette
High School Diploma with 54/60 at Electronic technical high school. The end of an Age.
I attend the Holiday Youth Camp in San Giorgio
Daniela D. N. becomes my girlfiend and remains my girlfriend for about 3 months.
I go to London on my own in August to search for a job. I reside in an apartment in Vauxhall Bridge and I make a lot of friends (Chierchia…and his friends) and have great fun in London’s nightlife. I’m completely in love with London
I’m 18
In September Marianna R. becomes my girlfriend; the relationship lasted few months
I enroll to University of Naples Federico II, Faculty of Engineering
For the next 4-5 years the exams at University were really taking greatest part of my energy and attention and their preparation and execution influenced the pace of my months and seasons. That is why I decided to somehow highlight their dates in the following paragraphs, as they represented milestones of those days and remind clearly to me of the periods and things which were happening in their proximity.
In this period I used to go out with my cousin Giacomo and the group born in the Youth camp: Lina, Marcello, Mauro, Mimmo…
For some months I frequented Manlio R.
I start writing and playing my first songs (Gianni on Trial)
I start singing in a Rock band with Emiliano, Ciro, Michele, Gianluca and later on Antonino: we are the Mr Bloom.

I write ‘Hi-Fi Addict’, my masterpiece.
We play our first gigs at ‘Taverna Baccus’ in San Giorgio a Cremano, where we gain great success and popularity.
19.05.93 My first exam at University, Exam in Geometria ed Algebra
21.06.93 Exam in Analisi Matematica I
18.10.93 Exam in Fondamenti di Informatica
I’ll miss Uncle Marco very much.
Czechoslovakia with family and Maria and Paolo
Summer holidays spent in Holland & Belgium with Mauro, Gianfranco and Antonio Torsi
U2 & Velvet Underground Concert when I discover Lou Reed, with Dario and Antonio T.
I write ‘It’s not me’ about the University twisting up my mind…
I get to know Francesco M. O’ Papa

1st classified for a position as Researcher for the ‘National Research Program on Innovative Materials’ issued by Finmeccanica Group – but I refuse the position
Summer holidays spent in London with Salvio, Leonardo, Pasquale
I go out often with Mr Bloom, and the places I am most are the Neapolitan historical center and Officina 99
I start attending Associazione culturale Libera Azione, where I meet Francesca, Valentina, Marco, Alessandro A., Ale E. & Ale P. and many others
I went out every night, met a lot of people all the time, had a sort of popularity because of the band… some used to call me Gianni Complimenti
With Gianfranco and Mauro, I conduct a radio show ‘Restiamone Fuori’ from the Radio Spaccanapoli Sound studios, every Monday afternoon
The book “On the road” by Jack Kerouac deeply impresses me
26.01.94 Exam in Analisi Matematica II
24.05.94 Exam in Fisica I
24.06.94 Exam in Economia ed Organizzazione Aziendale
I start working with Giovanni at his gas station; this happened in November or October…and went through the new year, 1995, until approximately March….
19.12.94 Exam in Chimica
I change from Electronic to Materials Engineering
I hear ‘walk on the Wild side’ by Lou Reed on a collection tape edited by La Repubblica…that voice got me interested…and this was the start ofa passion which really changed my soul and being and deeply influenced the upcoming years….

I watch Pulp Fiction at Cinema Pierrot
Lou Reed and The Velvet Underground become my idols
In March i stop working at fuel station and decide to go straight in studying
20.02.95 Exam in Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali
I remember i prepared the exam in Materials technologies with Alfonso Rasulo
Mr Montieri used to drive me at University very early in the morning
14.06.95 Exam in Proprieta’ Termodinamiche e di Trasporto
28.06.95 Exam in Principi di Ingegneria Chimica
17.07.95 Exam in Chimica applicata
Some of my friends go to London on vacation but I decided for a different holiday
Vacation in Palinuro with Leonardo and my family, I prepared my next exam while in the camping…
15.09.95 Exam in Struttura della Materia
I spend a week end in Pescasseroli with Alessandro Esposito, Alessandro Patella and Marco Capolupo
15.12.95 Exam in Fisica II
Valentina R. becomes my girlfriend
01.03.96 Exam in Scienza delle Costruzioni
15.03.96 Exam in Elettrotecnica
06.06.96 Exam in Scienza e Tecnologia dei Materiali Ceramici
12.06.96 Exam in Meccanica dei Fluidi Non Newtoniani
27.06.96 Exam in Tecnologia dei Polimeri
18.07.96 Exam in Elettronica Applicata
Summer Holidays in Paris, Rue de Buci thanks to Hugette
25.10.96 Exam in Fisica Matematica

07.02.97 Exam in Comportamento Meccanico dei Materiali
10.02.97 Exam in Elettrochimica Applicata
25.02.97 Exam in Progettazione dei Reattori Chimici
24.03.97 Exam in Tecnologia Meccanica
20.06.97 Exam in Misure Elettriche
26.06.97 Exam in Biomateriali
I start working at my Thesys in Electrochemistry and Corrosion. An experimental work in collaboration with Laminazione Sottile Company
Holidays in Portugal with Valentina, Bruno, Lia, Gianluca N. & Daniela, Enzo DN & Pasquale F.
It was not in my original plan to finish my studies and graduate within the year 1997, as I calculated to be ready within 1998. But sometimes in life motivations and extra energy can come together at the same time… and they were fundamental for the final rush.
25.09.97 Exam in Metallurgia
15.10.97 Exam in Macchine e Sistemi Energetici
20.10.97 Exam in Corrosione e Protezione dei Materiali
26.10.97 Exam in Elementi di Meccanica Teorica ed Applicata
I graduate on the 27.11.97 : Master Degree in Materials Engineering, achieved with full marks 110/110
I begin as Research Fellow at Univiersity on an Internship with National Institute for Nuclear Phisycs for the project “Study on the surface properties of Porous Silicon for the detection of toxic gases”
I get to know I’ve been selected by Barilla Alimentare as a food technology researcher
I move to Foggia and begin to work for Barilla
Winner of the Award “Mario M. Jacopetti” by Rotary Club, for the best Degree Thesis in Electrochemistry of the year 1997
I buy my first car: an used VW Passat
People from Barilla: Mauro S., Tiziana S., Michele G., Giuseppe Sergio T., Giovanni T., Silvia C., Gianangelo Z., Nicola G.
Nottingham at University Campus for a Course on Food technology
It is in Nottingham, in a record shop, that saw this magazine’s cover with Jarvis Cocker. I thought that buying the Pulp ‘This is hardcore’ album would be a good idea. That was the beginning of my idolatry for Pulp.
Amsterdam for Training on Extrusion
Ireland with Valentina, Bruno & Lia

Previously tested on xoom.it and then registered as digilander.iol.it/lapelazzuli, the first version of my personal website makes its first steps on the net. It will evolve to Lapelazzuli.com in 2001.
Publications: C. Sinagra, A. Atienza, R. Zocchi , G. Lapelazzuli, L. De Rosa, et Al. “Corrosione e Protezione dell’Alluminio” Alluminio Magazine, 1, 34, (1999).