
I have lived a Summer Staycation with my family and friends here in Herrenberg which is a place new for us, while was always a place for vacation for us. And now is our home town and our place.
With Nonno and Nonna visiting us, Blaubeuren @ Guni’s Klassentreffen, Calw, Opa and Oma, Pauline and Almi, MaisLabyrinth, Salvio, Herrenberg Naturfreibad, Tübingen, Spielplatz, Spielplatz, playing football with Diego and Wanda, Spielplatz, Spielplatz, Diego, Wanda, Guni.

A Summer full of love and happyness. I have been enjoying the kids 24 hours a day during the Kita closing period.
And today, that the Kita and my work start again, with a feeling of nostalgia I have been walking alone along the same path around home – from home to the bakery and playground – which Wanda Diego and myself walked together many mornings this summer.

With Salvio!

È stato dolce ed emozionante vedere i miei figli interagire con il mio migliore amico Salvio, durante i tre giorni incui è stato qui.

Mi rendo conto che ricevo da loro, da Diego e Wanda, così tanto che sono io a crescere e cambiare insieme a loro. Imparo ogni giorno di più da loro, ogni giorno una lezione nuova, una dimostrazione dell’amore e di ciò che è giusto e che conta. Come oggi il palloncino a forma di unicorno per la piccola, dolce, immensa Wanda. Domani, spero, farò un errore in meno. Domani, spero, sarò migliore di oggi. Grazie a voi, piccoli miei.

Country Comfort

Soon the pines will be falling everywhere
Village children fight each other for a share
And the 609 goes roaring past the creek
Deacon Lee prepares his sermon for next week

I saw Grandma yesterday down at the store
Well, she’s really going fine for eighty-four
Well she asked me if sometime I’d fix her barn
Poor old girl, she needs a hand to run the farm

And it’s good old country comfort in my bones
Just the sweetest sound my ears have ever known
Just an old-fashioned feeling fully grown
Country comfort’s any truck that’s goin’ home

Down at the well they’ve got a new machine
The foreman says it cuts manpower by fifteen
“But that ain’t natural”, well so old Clay would say
He’s a horse-drawn man until his dying day

Now the old fat goose is flying ‘cross the sticks
The hedgehog’s done in clay between the bricks
And the rocking chair’s a-creaking on the porch
Across the valley moves the herdsman with his torch

Songwriters: Elton John / Bernie Taupin